I shook my family tree and a bunch of nuts fell out
I shook my family tree and a bunch of nuts fell out

Share the teams with the family members and assign each person a color to wear. Family field dayĭid you participate in field days when you were a kid? Why not recreate that fun during your next family reunion?īefore your event, divide your extended family members up into evenly-matched teams. Ask those not participating in the competition to provide sides, drinks, and desserts. One benefit of having a cook-off at your family reunion is that you don’t have to think of a menu for the event. You could also use rub-on letters to mark the winner’s name on a wooden spoon that he or she can take home and proudly display. Or voters who feel strongly about one particular dish can place all three pennies in one entry’s voting receptacle.Ĭreate a trophy that passes to the winner each year. Instruct participants to divide their votes up among three entries by putting one in each corresponding piggy bank. Purchase a small piggy bank for each entry for voting. Why not have a cook-off at your next family event? Pick a type of food, such as chili, barbecue brisket, soups, or baked goods. Serve snack items that players can munch on while they play - popcorn, Chex mix, or baked sweets. Give “booby prizes” to those with the fewest punches. Once the tournament is over, give prizes to the players with the most punches on their cards. Those losers go to the lowest-ranked tables. Losers stay at the same table, except for those who originally sit at the top-ranked tables. Winners receive a punch on their cards and progress to the next-highest table. Set up a series of tournament tables - from low tables to high tables. Choose games that grade-school kids and grandparents could both enjoy. As family members progress through the competition, they may have a chance to interact with a lot of different family members. Game tournaments are excellent entertainment for cold-weather months. Card game tournamentĭoes your family enjoy card games? Pick a game and organize a card tournament for your next family reunion. Serve hot dogs, popcorn, cotton candy, lemonade, and other simple foods. Have a duck pond for the youngest kids.(Think about the great photos you’ll be able to take of Grandpa wearing a big red nose.) Buy clown noses, large bow ties, and silly wigs. Decorate with bright-colored flag banners and balloons. Send out “Come One! Come All!” invitations. Invite your extended family members to a circus-themed event. » MORE: Responsibility means having your end-of-life plans ready.

i shook my family tree and a bunch of nuts fell out

Get buy-in from these family members or your reunion could be a dud. These individuals should be the first ones to volunteer to do silly activities - they’re the ones everyone gravitates to and who can coax smiles from grumpy Aunt Marge. You’ll also need several key family leaders to “sell” the event. For example, family members who don’t enjoy sports or outdoor activities probably don’t want to complete an obstacle course outside in the sun. Make sure the theme meets your family members’ personalities.

i shook my family tree and a bunch of nuts fell out

The theme needs to appeal to a wide variety of age groups, from great-grandparents to toddlers.

i shook my family tree and a bunch of nuts fell out

Picking family reunion themes can be tricky. Fun activities at your family reunion just might strengthen your family bonds. Here are some family reunion themes that may help you increase attendance. If this describes your family reunions, it’s time to up the ante. Does every kid at your family reunion give obligatory hugs and then find a corner where they can Snapchat? Do adults mingle with their immediate family members and not branch to greet third cousins? Jump ahead to these sections:

I shook my family tree and a bunch of nuts fell out